Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Collecting Experiences - The 1980s Wild Child Website

Digital history provides new opportunities for people interested in memory, oral history and the recent past. There have been a number of websites created to collect people’s recollections such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, critical infrastructure and MemoryArchive. In our Digital History classs we were asked to explore some of these projects and then write a short proposal for a new one...

For my assignment I propose that there be an online memory archive that is not only fun to contribute to but useful for historians and researchers in the future. It would be aimed at children born in the 1980s. The 1980s Wild Child Website would provide visitors with the opportunity to share memories about music, history, fashion, televison or popular cultural trends in the 80s. This would be a place to upload photos, videos, music or post personal stories. Just the other day I was discussing growing up in the 80s with some fellow classmates. Once someone mentioned Chip n' Pepper t-shirts, followed by Jem and the Holigrams it was on!