Every so often I check out the online exhibit
Blogmode: Addressing Fashion presented by
The Costume Institute. It closes soon by the way, so do check it out. It's such an excellent way for the public to engage with a museum collection. Every couple days they post a new garment and a short blurb about the item. It's then open for comments and some like this
Jean Paul Gaultier gown get up to 60 comments or so - that's a whole lot of interaction. Comments range from the
"GROSS…. I would hate to wear this" sort to those
sharing their knowledge on the garments,
posing thoughtful questions or even critiquing the
"art". Great stuff. I might have to borrow this idea in the future. It's a fabulous idea for a small museum with limited resources wanting to have a presence on the web. Just sign up with
Blogger and you have an online collections database!
When I posted this blog it didn't occur to me that there is an actual exhibit at The Costume Institute that accompanied the online version. Here is a
tour of that show!